Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Finances for a Disciple, Part 1

Some things we discussed on Sunday:

  1. All of it (i.e., 100%, not just 10%) is renounced to the Lordship of Jesus Christ (Luke 14:33).
  2. We have only one purpose with our life and resources [i.e, pursuit of the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33)]. The purpose of a disciple, including the use of money, is undivided in this. The theme of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt chapters 6-7), which is about discipleship, is to be τελειος  (Matt 5:48). Most translations translate it "perfect." It means perfect in the sense of "whole" or "undivided."
  3. We are not to store up treasures on earth "for ourselves" (Matt 6:22). However, we may be called to store up that which will continue to be at God's disposal. In fact, God assigns gifts to some disciples to store up for kingdom purposes (Romans 12:8). 
  4. Intentionally invest heavily where you want your heart to go because your heart will go where your treasure goes (Matt 6:21).
  5. Don't set your eye on making money or accumulating material possessions. A disciple must have an undivided eye set on Jesus (Matt 6:22, 23) and he will provide everything you need to fulfill every purpose that he chooses for you (Matt 6:33). 

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