Monday, January 23, 2012

Sojourners, Widows & Orphans

A summary of Sunday evening's teaching:

We looked at several Scriptures on Sunday. I wanted to demonstrate that Scripture is replete with concern for the Sojourner, Widow and Orphan. By looking at each of these Scriptures we can see that God's concern for these people is demonstrated in the Law, the Prophets, the Writings and the New Testament.

God himself is their champion:

  • Ex :22:21-24
  • Duet 10:18,19
  • Ps 146:8-10
  • Prov 23:10-12

God champions their cause through his people:

  • The Law commands; what is designated is sacred -- Duet 26:12-14.
  • The Prophets reiterate the commands -- Is 1:16; Jer 22:3; Mal 3:5-7.
  • The Law appeals to the memory of God's people; they too were sojourners -- Ex 23:6-9.
  • The Law commands God's people to love the sojourner -- Lev 19:33-34.
    • This is how we love people . . . right? -- 1 John 3:16-18.
  • The New Testament demonstrates the enduring importance of taking care of this group of people -- James 1:27.

Upon creating the nation that would be God's people, God instituted the following methods to care for these people and other categories of down-and-out people:

  • The every-third-year tithe -- Duet 14:28, 29.
  • Gleaning privileges -- Duet 24:19-22.
  • The land Sabbath -- Ex 23:10-12.
  • Don't charge interest -- Lev 25:35-38.
  • Release from servitude -- Duet 15:1-18.
  • Jubilee -- Lev 25:8-17
  • Kinsman Redemption -- Duet 25:5, 6.

Here's the question: Seeing God's unchanging heart for the Sojourner, Widow and Orphan, how do we, as God's people, respond today?

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