Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finances for a Disciple, Part 2

What we discussed this past Sunday from 1 Timothy 5 & 6:

1 Timothy 6:6 warns against using godliness as a means of gain. This is not just thinking to become a Bible  teacher merely for financial gain, it also exhorts us to "these duties"(6:2b), which are contrary to bad teaching, to avoid inappropriate means of financial gain.

  • Only "real" widows should expect to be cared for financially by the church (5:3-16). A real widow has no family to turn to and is too old to bear children (i.e., in today's terms, to work a job).
  • Don't neglect your family to enrich yourself (5:8).
  • Christian workers should not think themselves entitled to special treatment because of their faith (6:1-12). Work hard so Christian employers will benefit. Work hard so non-Christian employers will see Christ in you. 
I'm sure people have thought up other ways to use godliness as a means of gain. To get your mind thinking along these lines, soas to avoid it of course, here's an example that I have run into. I used to work in the admissions department of a Bible college. Sometimes students tried to get into the college, not at all interested in the college's purpose and mission to train ministers of the Gospel,  but to get some of the institution's scholarship and receive a reduced price regionally accredited degree. It might be convenient and gain to play the godliness card to tap into benefit.

Appropriate gain is "godliness with contentment" (6:6).

  • Everything we need is right here in creation. We didn't bring anything to it and we will not take anything out of it (6:7).
  • We will be content if we have food and covering. These two words actually have a slightly more encompassing meaning than merely food and clothing. διατροφή = support and food; σκέπασμα = covering, clothing, and house (6:8).
  • Don't pursue riches, pursue godliness and learn contentment (6:9, 10).
  • If you happen to be rich, or kingdom pursuits make you rich, don't hope in wealth to take care of you and be very generous (6:17-19).

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