Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Holy Spirit Language Is . . .

One of, and I contend the most usual, languages of the Holy Spirit with His humans is “good things,” “wisdom,” or “understanding.”  One aspect alone of understanding this is to look at how the passages in this graphic run parallel in thought:

I brought up Luke 11:13 a few days ago to emphasize God’s unwavering desire to give his Holy Spirit . . . to communicate with us.  You can see that Matthew recounted a sermon of Jesus wherein He just said “good things”.  James pretty much  plagiarized; he used the same idea as “wisdom.”  And I think we can look to the whole of Proverbs 8 to see that this is not new thing in the New Testament.  I have a lot to say about the Matthew and James passages.  A lot that I think will help with understanding how wisdom is a good thing and is a primary Holy Spirit language.  These passages of Scripture help us to understand how to function in the non-stop experience of communication with the Holy Spirit.  But blog-length writing can’t accommodate all of that in this post.  Next time.

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