Friday, September 17, 2010

Mountain Community's Mission Statement

A faith community manifesting the life of Christ in our place and time. 

Why did we choose this for our mission statement? As the church, i.e. the body of Christ, we should continually look back to the life of Christ as he mistered in Palestine and realize that we should do similar things in our place. So this statement provokes us to measure what we do against what he did and does? 

It can be difficult, once a church begins, to reemphasize away from the event that it initially converged around. Many churches initially converge around a Sunday morning meeting...not a bad thing in  itself, but I think its common to struggle from there toward significant missional events. 

Here in Boone, we are presently working toward quantifying community needs. It is our hope to converge around needs, from there move into small communities of faith that take ownership of community need, and from there, eventually, to corporate worship events. We want missional outreach to be the natural and expected gathering draw for our community of faith.

Moved by compassion, measuring by mercy, acting in selfless love and doing only what the Father showed him, Jesus taught, healed, fed and made disciples. Recognizing what Jesus did in his body of flesh, we, Jesus’ body of flesh today, in our place and time, moved by his Spirit, do what Jesus did and does.

We are . . . always carrying in the body the death 
of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also 
be Manifested in our bodies (2 Corinthians 4:8-10, RSV).

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