Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Best Resurrection Sunday Yet

We did several normal things on this 2010 Resurrection Sunday. We had a sunrise service with prayer, two songs and a devotion as we stood in the graveyard, we ate a pitch-in breakfast, we had a worship service with participation from all age groups, my family shared lunch and the afternoon with my a family in our church who loves abundantly and readily, Tate and I even went to the driving range with a good friend who is helping us understand golf, but there was more today.

Today something happened that made me proud to be a part of this community of faith here at First Christian Church of Clemmons. Today 36 people went from our resurrection worship service to stand in a yard to sing resurrection songs to Becky and John Atwood and Sara Stewart. Becky has been very sick for a long time and unable to attend corporate worship services. So we stood in their yard and sang while they listened and participated from their porch. It's the kind of thing that really helps you experience what the church really is.

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