Saturday, February 13, 2010

Something cool happened last night

I lead a small group that meets every other Friday evening. For me, and I think for others, it's a meaningful time of teaching, fellowship, prayer, and breaking bread. In too many ways, small groups can be limited by the persons leading them (in this case...that's me). Considering Ephesian 4:18,19,
(be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart)
I have often thought how much I would appreciate adding to the four things above a sharing of music and other creative outlets that glorify God. However, I'm completely inept at music and not very creative either. I don't know how to begin to lead such a movement.

Last night a 13-year-old girl in our group shared a song (Jesus take the Wheel). This is the first time something like this has happened at our small group. She stood right there in our living room with all of us gathered around and sang out. It was moving for me, the song, but also her willingness and that she felt safe enough with us to sing it for us. I looked around the room and saw tears rolling down the faces of several people.

I pray that we continue to have 13-year-olds as well as people younger than that and older than that step up and help us be what we can be in Christ.